First things first...NEVER and I mean NEVER show up empty handed, bring SOMETHING! Beer, food, liquor, chips, etc. If you bring beer usually light beer is a safe bet, easy to drink, cheap, decent. As far as food goes you can't go wrong with hot dogs, brats, or hamburgers. Liquor you are going to want to stick with a Vodka or Rum. I prefer Ciroc vodka
Sun screen or tanning lotion is also a good idea, chicks don't like a lobster that is in pain. It shows inexperience and neglect.
Some type of music source is also cool bring your IPOD
So get out of the house, get to the pool, come prepared, all the rest should fall into place unless you just straight blow it. In no time at all, no matter if it is a little house party or a huge resort party you should be pullin chicks like this. Actually these chicks are not that hot but I am in a hurry and its the best I got right now so shut up.
Yeah what happened to that scale did it drop a notch or five? Come on man!!